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Job Post Details

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Experienced Air Traffic controller

4.0 étoile(s) sur 5
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Description du poste

If you already have an Air Traffic Controller licence and are motivated to relocate to Belgium, you can apply as well!

As an ATCO in Belgium your work location can be Brussels (Airport, ACC, APP), Antwerp Airport, Charleroi Airport, Liege Airport or Ostend Airport. Your work location will be based on your experience and depends on the number of available positions.

What can you expect from us?

The length of your training program will depend on your previous experience.

You will receive a competitive salary based on your experience.

We invest in preparing you for securing our Belgian airspace through extensive training, in return you will be committed to skeyes for a minimum of 3 years after completing your training.

Moving to another country is not easy. skeyes will help and support you during your relocation and training program and if needed guide you in acquiring some Dutch and French speaking skills.

Candidate profile

Admission requirements:

  • You have a very good knowledge of English
  • You are in the possession of a UK or EU ATCO-Licence (2015/340) and medical certificate
  • Participate in national security screening

In order to apply, please send us the following information:

  • CV and motivation letter
  • Copy of your licenses
  • Copy of your ID or passport
  • Copy of your medical certificate (if applicable)
  • Other information that you think might be relevant for your application

If you have no prior experience in Air Traffic Control, please click here.

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